leave it to Spasilen, and everything will be Done for you
Spasilen, automatic injector is a device for self-execution of intramuscular and subcutaneous injections with disposable syringes of 3 and 5 ml.
Spasilen is designed to reduce considerably unpleasant feelings from injections and make this process more comfortable.
We have made the device so easy and convenient that you can use it yourself without involving third-party people.
The device has a registration certificate of Roszdravnadzor ISO 13485
This device’s helped many families and will definitely help you if you’ve faced with similar difficulties:
Allows you to make personally intramuscular injections at home
Does not require professional skills
Ensures the correct injection
Helps to overcome the fear of a shot to children
2 year warranty
Minimizes injection pain and discomfort
Reduces psychological fear of injections
Fully automatic
Saves the family budget. Pays for 10 injections
Saves your time on going to the nurse: 3 minutes instead of 1.5 hours
The injection is done in the order of 10-15 seconds. This is due to the speed of the syringe piston. This speed is considered optimal to avoid excessive pain during the drug injection. It is not possible to change the injection rate.
No, it’s impossible. The injector is designed only for intramuscular or subcutaneous injections.
Yes, it is possible. it all depends on the amount (volume) of the drug typed into the syringe. All the volume collected in the syringe will be injected. Therefore, dose the medicine with the volume of the solution collected in the syringe.
It is not recommended to use an injector for the introduction of oil-based drugs, since it cannot provide a special technique for the introduction of oil preparations, namely: before the introduction of an oil drug, it is necessary to make sure that the needle has not entered the blood vessel.
Yes, this is correct, because its parts do not directly contact neither the needle of the syringe nor the injected drug.
The injector is individual and personal, so its transfer to other users is undesirable. during operation, microparticles of biological material (for example, blood) may remain on it. Therefore, if you still decided to transfer Spasilen to other people, then wash it thoroughly and treat it with an antiseptic, for example, alcohol.
Due to the fact that some injection solutions (for example, Midocalm solution) have aggressive or adhesive properties that can have a bad effect on the plastic parts of the product, after each use (especially if drops of drugs get on the parts), the injector must be rinsed with very warm running water.
Гарантийный срок эксплуатации два года. Во время тестовых испытаний Спасилен сделал более 2 000 срабатываний без поломок.
Внутримышечные инъекции следует проводить в части тела, где имеется значительный слой мышечной ткани и близко не проходят крупные кровеносные сосуды и нервные стволы. Наиболее подходящие места – верхний наружный квадрат ягодиц, передняя наружная поверхность средней части бедра. Для подкожных инъекций выбирают места со значительной подкожной жировой прослойкой. Это брюшная стенка (боковая поверхность); наружная часть плеча; подлопаточная зона; передняя боковая сторона бедра.
We do not recommend this, as this product has not been tested on this category of patients.
Make sure again that the cartridge inserted into the device matches the syringe. If you’ve made a mistake, replace the cartridge with the correct one and try to insert the syringe again. in addition, we recommend using SFM syringes, as their size corresponds to the developed Spasilen model as much as possible.
Any spare part for Spasilen can be ordered separately through our service center or the manufacturer’s website.
Follow the instructions, rinse the device thoroughly, and then dry it, the problem should pass.
Most likely, you did not put the piston pusher in the upper position. The sequence of actions is very important for the correct operation of the device. First, the piston pusher is cocked up, then the syringe lift is lowered. Review or re-read the instructions for the device again.
Most likely, you did not cock it fully. Cock the piston pusher again until it stops – to the highest point. After that, the pusher will fix and work only after pressing the trigger button.
Most likely, you forgot to lower the lifter down until the first or second click, so the needle insertion mechanism did not work. Look at the instructions again and perform all procedures strictly in accordance with the instructions.
In order to work the trigger button, the injector should be tightly pressed to the injection site. The safety button will be pressed and the trigger button will operate.
Yes, such situation can happen sometimes. this is due to the brand and size of the syringes that you’ve purchased at the pharmacy. The fact is that they may differ slightly from one manufacturer to another. we recommend using syringes by the manufacturer SFM, as the Spasilen was developed for their standard size (you can read more about this in the instructions).
Yes, this situation can happen sometimes. You will lift the injector perpendicular to the injection site and remove the needle yourself. this is due to the brand and size of the syringes that you’ve purchased at the pharmacy. The fact is that they may differ slightly from one manufacturer to another. we recommend using syringes by the manufacturer SFM, as the Spasilen was developed for their standard size (you can read more about this in the instructions).
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